Help us Elevate!


elevateElevate Hope Through Improved Audio & Video!

IMAGINE crystal-clear sermons that resonate in your heart, inspiring worship that washes over you, and engaging online services that connect you to our community no matter where you are. This is our vision for Soul Anchor’s audio and video technology. However, our equipment is outdated and struggles to meet our growing needs. That’s why we’re launching the “Elevate Our Message of Hope” fundraising campaign!

Your contribution will help us:

  • Upgrade our sound system for richer, clearer audio during services and events.
  • Invest in high-quality video equipment to create professional recordings for online worship and outreach.
  • Improve our live streaming capabilities to connect with a wider audience and strengthen our online presence.
  • Train and develop our volunteers and staff to effectively manage and administer the technology used to elevate hope.

By participating, you’re not just investing in technology, you’re investing in:

  • Sharing the message of hope and faith more effectively.
  • Reaching new people in our community and beyond.
  • Creating a more welcoming and engaging worship experience for everyone.

    Together, we can elevate our message of hope and share the light of faith with the world. Let’s make it happen!

    Here’s How You Can Help Us Elevate Our Message of Hope



    Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to our goal. Click the button below to donate securely online or use the link to mke a pledge.


    Share this campaign with your friends and family, and encourage them to support. Use buttons below to share within your networks.


    Pray for the success of this campaign and the continued growth of our church community. You are welcome to prayerfully consider joining our community below.