Explore Soul Anchor Church
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide refuge for humanity from the perils of the world by inspiring success in life and godliness.
Our Vision
Our vision is a community made stronger through a place of safety where the message of hope connects souls to Christ.
Our ARK Principles
At Soul Anchor Church, we embark on a spiritual journey guided by the ARK Principles (Accountability, Relationship, and Knowledge). Accountability is our anchor, keeping us grounded in the ways of Christ while also being responsible for one another. Relationships strengthen the foundation of our community, building meaningful connections that go beyond worship services. Knowledge fuels our sails, propelling us onward as we study scripture and faith, seeking knowledge and compassion in every aspect of life and faith.
Here are some additional insights into the ARK Principles:
We base our accountability practice on 1 Corinthians 12. Biblical accountability entails yielding to God and others to grow in faith and obey God’s will. It is based on the belief that we are all accountable to God for our actions and require one other’s support and encouragement to live as Christians. God holds us accountable for our actions, according to the Bible. This means that we should support one another in our endeavors. Recognizing the gifts of the body of Christ is one method for practicing biblical accountability.
Relationship makes the church everything to all men, according to 1 Corinthians 9:13-22. We practice biblical relationships that are founded on the principles of love, respect, forgiveness, and commitment. The church must win over those whom God has empowered us to protect and lead. Social contacts and relationship-building will enable the church to grow immensely. Everyone needs the opportunity to be connected to God’s hope, so our vessel must remain open.
Hosea 4:6 and 2 Timothy 2:15 provide direction for knowledge. Strong educational systems are crucial for the church to expand and align with God’s vision. Biblical knowledge is based on the Bible, God’s almighty word. God’s character, salvation plan, and will for our lives are all revealed.The Bible is complex, but it is essential for spiritual development. The Bible not only guides us in our spiritual journey, but also in our daily lives, encompassing family, work, and secular education. As a church, we must welcome and explore all of this information while also seeking God’s guidance on how to apply it.
Our History & Beliefs
In 2007, Soul Anchor Church of the Apostolic Faith was founded by District Elder Christine Young. Soul Anchor is affiliated with the Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith International, led by Presiding Bishop Lambert W. Gates, Sr.
Our church’s foundation lies in the following spiritual beliefs:
The Bible Is God’s Word.
The Old and New Testaments were authored by individuals considered holy by God and contain all the necessary spiritual guidance for personal growth.
Referenced passages: II Timothy 3:15; Luke 4:4
To draw near to God, one must have faith that He will bless those who sincerely show Him reverence.
Referenced passages: Hebrews 11:6; Romans 1:17
Jesus Christ & The Gospel.
Expressing the profound love of God, it is believed that through the sacrifice of his Son, those who have faith in his teachings and await his return will receive eternal life despite their transgressions.
Referenced passages: John 3:16; Romans 5:8
Humanity finds hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his overflowing mercy. This belief anchors our hearts in the unwavering and faithful presence of God.
Referenced passages: 1 Peter 3:1 and Hebrews 6:19
To escape from righteous justice, one must seek salvation. It is essential for individuals to have faith, be cleansed, and experience spiritual renewal in order to be saved.
Referenced passages: Acts 4:12; Mark 16:16; John 3:5; Acts 2:38
Our Leadership
District-Elder Christine Young
(Senior Pastor 2007-2024)
Senior Pastor-Elect
Pastor Bryan D. Evans, Sr.
(Elevation June 2024)
Other Pastoral Leadership
Pastor L. Keith Mathis, Associate Pastor
Executive Staff
Minister Earline B. Smith Executive Director |
Minister Derek Flager Director of Accountability |
Minister Geraldineia Evans Director of Relationship |
Elder Delphine Mathis Director of Knowledge |
Board of Directors
District Elder Christine Young, President [2007-2024]
Pastor Bryan D. Evans, Sr., President-Elect
Pastor L. Keith Mathis, Vice President-Elect
Trustee Linda Hughes, Financial Secretary-Elect
Deacon Christopher Maitland, Director
Trustee Dr. Harold B. Smith, Director
Trustee Minister Gloria Chew, Director